Energised & Focused Leaders Make A Difference

Executive Director & Leadership Coaching

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A Few of my thoughts on leadership

Would you like to achieve more ROI for your efforts?

Are you working harder than ever yet still not achieving the results you want to see?

Are you MAD enough to feel truly successful?

Click on any of the text in RED and reveal more thought and exercises on this topic

What Defines a MAD Leader?

A MAD Leader embodies a profound understanding of both their personal Purpose and Vision, as well as that of their organisation. They communicate these ideals with unwavering passion and commitment, inspiring others to join them in their journey towards achievement.

The Magnetic Pull of a MAD Leader

Such leaders naturally attract followers. People are drawn to support a MAD Leader's Vision, recognising the transformative impact it can have.

Talent Cultivation and Team Development

MAD Leaders are adept at identifying and nurturing talent. They ensure their team is equipped with the right people, possessing the skills and drive necessary for collective success.

Goal Setting: A Collaborative Approach

These leaders set goals collaboratively with their team, ensuring they are challenging yet attainable. These goals stem from strategic priorities, meticulously crafted to realise the Vision.

Cultivating a Value-Driven Culture

A MAD Leader fosters an organisational climate steeped in core Values, which they not only advocate for but also embody in their daily actions.

Authenticity and Strengths Utilisation

Authenticity is at the heart of a MAD Leader. They focus on leveraging and enhancing their strengths, setting a powerful example for others.

Resilience in Adversity

In challenging times, a MAD Leader's resilience shines. They demonstrate disciplined focus, unwavering in their adherence to their Values, Purpose, and Vision.

Embarking on Your Leadership Journey

As an Executive Leadership Performance Coach, I am here to guide you in discovering your unique leadership identity. Together, we will explore how you can 'make a difference' – for yourself and your organisation. Let's unlock your potential to be a MAD Leader who truly transforms.

“Saying you’re a leader does not make you a leader. Leading makes you a leader”. Simon Sinek

MAD Purpose to Impact


A step by step approach to creating Impact

         Click on any of the text in RED and reveal more thought and exercises on this topic


Understanding who you are is a key factor in determining your success.
Having a clear purpose keeps you on track and keeps you going when things get tough. The right Purpose can be inspirational to others and be a key motivator for them to support you in achieving your goals.


This is your view /picture of a future state. It gives you and others a sense of what you are working towards and will help you measure progress and success against. If you don’t know where you are going how will you know if you got there? A clear vision will keep you on track.

Common reasons that people do not achieve their vision are:

  • They don’t have one
  • They worry about how to express their vision
  • Their vision is too short term and not inspiring enough, even for them to be motivated by it
  • It is someone else’s vision for them not their own
  • They get distracted by “stuff”
  • They don’t action plan their vision with goals, timescales, and accountabilities
  • They are not prepared to be flexible and respond to the changes around them
  • They are not patient
  • They expect support without enabling it or inspiring others to their vision or purpose
  • They focus on the negative
  • Their vision is solely about them and does not involve or benefit others


This is your joined up high level action plan designed to achieve your vision. It is based on the key goals that will need to be addressed to achieve your vision.
Strategy requires you to stand back and use both your left (logic) and right brain (creative/emotional) to look at issues and solutions.


We look here at both your internal resources (your mindset) and external resources (your support network) that you can use to achieve your strategy.

Action plan

  • Each strategic goal needs an action plan. This needs to include what you are going to do and by when and how.

  • It also needs to include actions for managing risks and issues that arise.
  • It is essential to make sure that the actions that you plan are directly related to achieving your goals and not just things that will keep you busy and roughly related to your goals.
  • We are all far too quick to rush into action and achieve very little other than a decrease in our bank balance and depleted energy. We need to take enough time to really think through our actions and challenge ourselves and get others to challenge us to ensure that we have chosen the best action and that we are being realistic yet stretching in our timescales.
  • We need to relate our actions to our resources to ensure that we optimise our resources to optimise our chance of success.
  • We should consider how our actions will achieve progress and if that progress will be enough and if not what better actions can we take or what additional actions do we need to take.
  • Regular planning and review time is critical to staying on track. A short weekly review will ensure that we are not wasting valuable time in achieving our vision and will allow you to account for changes happening around you that will impact on your actions.
  • Be willing to make changes to your plan if the world around you is changing or if you find a better way forward.
  • Ask for others to challenge you and the progress you are making.

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